
Christmas candles
Sunday, December 24, 2023
The Christmas story is our story. It is a powerful rite of passage that allows us to make entrance into the larger universal story to know that we are part of a greater picture. In Unity, we teach that Jesus was the…
Heart ornaments
Sunday, December 17, 2023
This week, on the third Sunday of Advent, the lesson is: “Blessings of Love.” If we choose to live our lives at the level of Christ Consciousness that we believe Jesus attained, then, we too must stand in a state of wonder…
Peace on Earth image
Saturday, December 9, 2023
December 10 is the second Sunday of Advent this year. The theme for the week is “Peace.” As you go through your days this week, whenever a conflict or even a negative thought arises, remember to say to yourself, “I choose…
Hiker leaping
Sunday, December 3, 2023
Sunday, December 3, is the first day of Advent this year. The theme for the week is “Hope and Faith.” I encourage you to consider what you wish and long for. Hope shines a light on those thoughts and may even call you out of…
Mountain image
Sunday, November 26, 2023
A few days ago, I discovered through a text from someone that my phone was not calling out or receiving calls. I tried to solve the problem, but nothing worked. Because I was engaged in this lesson of “Finding the Blessing…
Gratitude Rock
Sunday, November 19, 2023
This week is the Thanksgiving Service, the Sunday before the holiday, and the lesson is “The Magic of Gratitude.” Meister Eckhart, the medieval Christian mystic, said that if the only prayer we ever say in our lifetime is “…
Sage image
Sunday, November 12, 2023
The Sage and Fool are the archetypes this week, along with their powers of Understanding and Joy or Zeal. I feel the Sage/Understanding energy when I’m teaching sometimes, or when I’m in my grandma-mode imparting wisdom to…
Wizard image
Sunday, November 5, 2023
Jesus was a ruler in the sense that he was very powerful and took responsibility for his actions. He also instructed others to “own” their thoughts and actions. He was a leader. And he was also a Magician in the truest sense…
Rainbow heart image
Sunday, October 29, 2023
This week is the fifth in our 7-week series, “Awakening the 12 Powers.” This week, we will explore how love and creativity work together in manifesting our gifts. We are excited to have the Brooklyn Big Band join us on Lover…
Butterfly image
Sunday, October 22, 2023
This is Week 4 of our 7-week series, “Awakening the Twelve Powers.” Our lesson theme includes two of our powers: Order and Release (Elimination). These are illustrated by the archetypes of The Seeker and The Destroyer.…