Rev. Kathy's Virtual Sunday Lesson & Message 10/01/2020

A playlist of all Sunday Lessons is on YouTube or can be found here on UNSC website.


October 4, 2020

Dear Unity North friends,
The lesson title for this week is “Transformation & Joy: Via Transformativa.” You can find the Sunday lesson by clicking on the link near the end of this letter.
This Sunday we are in the last lesson of a 4-week introduction to Creation Spirituality. Hopefully, the series gave some deeper background about Dr. Matthew Fox before his virtual workshop last night. Either way, these four paths of creation spirituality comprise a powerful way of seeing our evolutionary journey.
Fox says that the Commandment for this path is: “Be You Compassionate as Your Creator in Heaven is Compassionate.” …"The creation spirituality journey culminates in compassion—the combination of justice-making and celebration. The capacity to experience our interconnectedness concerns both the joy and the sorrow that we undergo with others. In compassion “peace and justice kiss,” as the psalmist puts it (Ps. 85:10). Compassion is about the actions that flow from us as a result of our interdependence.”
In this path our “hearts are broken open,” as we become “prophets” who interfere with injustice. This is not only justice among humans but also geo-justice—justice between humans and the earth and all her creatures. A friend of mine teaches a change management course and said that “one of the points is ‘change occurs when the pain of the change is outweighed by the pain of staying the same.’”
Another way I heard that said lately was in regard to the planet Pluto in the sign Capricorn. That often means the complete upheaval and breakdown of world governments. The question asked in regard to change and transformation was, “Are we in enough collective pain to make the shift we are hoping for?” That is the big question now in our country and in our world. When we do make that shift, the result is greater joy and celebration. After this very difficult year, may that be imminent. In the meantime, each day let us remember our blessings.
Isaiah 43:19 speaks of transformation: “I am doing a new thing. Now it springs up. Do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the desert.”

Love & Blessings,
Rev. Kathy

Here is the link to Rev. Kathy's talk: