Fall 2024 Book Study ~ Sacred Earth Sacred Soul

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In this time of division and stress, we need to take care of our spiritual selves. We need to breathe and turn inward. It may help us to spend some time contemplating what it means to be “sacred.”

Celtic teacher and mystic, John Philip Newell, says it best:

"In Celtic wisdom, the sacred is as present on earth as it is in heaven, as immanent as it is transcendent, as human as it is divine, as physical as it is spiritual. The sacred can be breathed in, tasted, touched, heard, and seen as much in the body of the earth and the body of another living being as in the body of religion. It is the true essence of all life."

Newell promises to "...equip readers with the teachings and practices of past Celtic leaders so that we can listen for the sacred and reverence within us and all around us..."

Join us Wednesday evenings, in-person at Unity North Spiritual Center, as we delve into several aspects of “sacred.” We will discuss the sacred feminine, sacred imagination, and sacred compassion, along with many others. Come apart for a while and re-discover the sacred.

Click the button to register, or you may email Brande at Unity@UnityNorthMN.org.

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Fall 2024 Book Study
Sacred Earth Sacred Soul: Celtic Wisdom for Reawakening to What Our Souls Know and Healing the World

by John Philip Newell

with Rhonda Italiano
Wednesdays, September 4 - October 2, 2024 (5 weeks)
7:00 – 8:30 PM (In-Person at UNSC only)

Love Offering


The book, Sacred Earth Sacred Soul, is available for purchase on Amazon.

Rhonda Italiano image 8-2024

Rhonda Italiano has been a Licensed Unity Teacher since 2005. She has been teaching Unity classes around the Twin Cities for several years. Rhonda teaches full-time for the State of Minnesota in Gender and Women’s Studies. She holds a master’s degree in Adult Education and another master’s degree in Gender and Women’s Studies.