Sunday Service - Intention and Dreams

Intention and Dreams—Week 1 of 'Activate Your Prosperity' series

Prosperity thinking is the way by which we create a prosperity consciousness, which is a deep faith and knowing that God is the Source of our Supply and our Good. Our good comes forth through our thoughts, words, and actions. That is spiritual law. Author and Prosperity Teacher Catherine Ponder said that we are prosperous to the degree that we are experiencing peace, health, wealth, and plenty in our world. And I would add to that a deep sense of sufficiency and contentment.

We create greater prosperity through the power of intention by first accessing our heart’s desire or dreams. When we approach our imagination in a state of holiness, it will reveal amazing visions and dreams. Few of us realize the almost superhuman power that the imagination has upon our body and affairs. Just as it has a destructive power, so also does it have a fantastic constructive power.
Perhaps you have a dream to be healthy. Set an intention for greater health and wholeness. Then imagine good health. If you have an ailment, imagine the opposite. See all of the muscles, cells, tissues, organs, and systems of your body healthy, vibrant, and filled with life. Take time to see yourself healthy and active. Imagine it in detail.
Do not compromise in your creative visualization. Access your dreams and imagine what you really want, not just what you think you can probably have. If there are bills you have not been able to pay, what is your intention? Perhaps it is having enough money to spare and share. Imagine the checks already written to those owed in the specific amount. Imagine putting the checks in envelopes and dropping them in the mailbox.

If you need a specific amount of money, imagine a check written out to you, showing a current date and the amount on the check. If there is a credit card to pay off, see yourself writing a check for that amount and paying it off in full. Clearly imagine that you already have what you dream about and hope for. See yourself reaching your goals. What does your life look like? This exercise is so effective because the subconscious is not governed by the same rules of time as the conscious mind. In fact, time does not exist in the subconscious mind—or in our dreams.

Blessings of love and prosperity!
Rev. Kathy