Sunday Service - Honor Your Memories

Memory is the power to retain and recall information and past experiences. Our brain's memory helps us recall lots of memories—like multiplication tables and various dates. The word “memory” applies to both the individual facts and experiences we remember as well as the brain's ability to contain it all.

Much has been written about the soul’s memory as well. In Eastern and Western mystery traditions, it is taught that the soul carries memories of this life and past lives beyond death. These stories come not only from those who are spiritually inclined, but from science as well. One neurosurgeon tracked his illness as far as he could until the part of his brain controlling thought and emotion shut down completely. He remained in a coma for seven days and then returned with memory of a journey beyond this world into the deepest realms of existence.

I find it a comfort, particularly when I think of those with dementia or Alzheimer's, that there is soul memory beyond the brain. We still have to live in this realm, however, and as long as we have memory, we can "take a trip down memory lane.”

We tend to replay memories when we have been traumatized, but we can learn to release and let go and replace those memories with more positive ones. We can also replay our good memories and lift our own spirits anytime.

I love to think of times when my children or grandchildren were small. I remember when my youngest granddaughter, Linnaea, was about 14 months old. Her mother set up an easel so she could learn to paint. She chose a color and was having a great time with her paint brush, covering the paper with bright pink. She suddenly bent down and swiped her brush across some tiles on the kitchen floor. Her dog was standing there watching her new venture, and as she stood up, she swiped his nose with a pink stripe as well. It was a hilarious moment that still makes me laugh as I remember it.

What are your sweet or funny memories? Take some time to remember and brighten your day!

Love and blessings,
Rev. Kathy