Sunday Letter - Unity-Dogma, Doctrine, or Dharma

This is a good week to bring new people to Unity or invite them online with us. This particular lesson, “Unity–Dogma, Doctrine, or Dharma” is one I like to repeat every few years as a good review for long-time Unity students and a good overview for new people. Sometimes it is important to ground ourselves in basic Unity principles.
I still find that Unity represents a bastion of peace and calmness amidst the outer turmoil of the world and the inner conflict we may experience. This is also true amidst all of the spiritual and religious possibilities in the greater world. Early in our spiritual search, it is easy to be led in various directions and to lose our center. Unity truth principles are grounding, simple, and practical, and a Unity Church or Center can offer sanctuary and friendship in a sea of uncertainty.
Each Sunday at Unity North, I say, “We are inclusive, and we welcome and accept all people. Whoever you are and wherever you are on your spiritual path, you are welcome at Unity.” I have always loved that sense of welcoming that is present in Unity. And because we are non-traditional in our approach, that also helps people to feel that they are in the right place, often when they have not fit in elsewhere.
Unity also represents healing. Because of the examples of Unity co-founders, Charles and Myrtle Fillmore, and their healings, we are inspired to our own healing as well. We learn that it is possible through the power of our thoughts, words, and actions, and often, through the Grace of God. Like Myrtle did, we can send thoughts and words of life, strength, and power to each cell of our body and make a difference.
Most of all, prayer is the heart and soul of Unity. We teach affirmative prayer, speaking statements of truth to condition our consciousness, not to change the mind of some God “up there” or “out there” in the sky, but to connect with the divine within. And in prayer, we focus on finding the Silence in meditation. The Fillmore’s referred to the “Silence” as that place within us where we meet with Spirit.
According to Unity teachings, God is Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent: All-powerful, all-knowing, and everywhere present. We are born in original blessing, blessed by the Universe from the beginning.
Spend time with us this week to ground yourself in Unity principles and to feel the energy of acceptance and love!
With love & blessings,