Sunday Letter - Shamanic Dream Journey

This coming week, I am teaching a three-week class called “Re-Visiting Dreams.” I have taught a basic class on dreams before in this ministry, and even if you took the class, I encourage you to attend again. There will be both repeat and new information. I cannot tell you how many times I repeated dream classes with my former dream mentor, Jeremy Taylor. It helped me to integrate the information, and to realize that every dream class is different because of the dreams that are shared. One never knows the “ah-ha’s” and wisdom that will arise.
The Sunday lesson is about the Shamanic Dream Journey, which is like a dream experienced through meditation. The information, wisdom, images, and symbols still come to us as they do in regular nighttime dreams to guide us, teach us, get our attention, heal us, and transform our lives.
The Medicine Person or Shaman has traditionally been the main dreamer and healer for the entire community. Shamans practice their discipline in a type of trance or dream state. The Shaman journeys into what is called non-ordinary reality or a deeper state of consciousness—to obtain healing assistance, information, and guidance. The journey involves what we might call a waking dream experience.
One does not need to become a Shaman to benefit from a Shamanic Dream Journey and some of the basic teachings concerning our oneness with each other and the great web of life. Learning that many animals and animal spirits are compassionate allies trying to help us opens a whole new dimension of awareness.
Join us for Sunday Service to learn more and to attune yourself with indigenous wisdom that continues to bless our planet and all living beings. More information about the dream class.

Love & blessings,
Rev. Kathy