Sunday Letter - Ready for a Miracle?

How can one be ready for a miracle? First, by recognizing that miracles take place every single day. Life is a miracle, as are all of the wonders of creation. As we pull ourselves out of the consensus trance that we may find ourselves in each day, we suddenly become amazed. We may be struck by the beauty of a leaf, the majesty of a tree, or by the smile of a loved one.

Perhaps we have an experience of serendipity, where we go looking for one thing, and discover something even more remarkable—that which we were supposed to find. For example, you go to apply for a job and discover another company down the hall, which is your perfect place to work. Or you are seeking something in a store to decorate your house, and instead find the perfect gift for a loved one during a dark time in his/her life.

There are also miracles of synchronicity that involve seeming coincidences. Two close childhood friends lose track of one another. As adults, they meet one day by chance and soon thereafter, they fall in love. The meaningful coincidence is in the fact that they were always meant for each other and met up at just the moment in which they were ready to know it and act on it. Or perhaps you observe a father teaching his child how to dive. His tenderness allows you to let go of your fear of diving. Later your confidence builds, and you become a diving teacher, start a diving school, and become an Olympic hopeful. The original event was the synchronistic moment that helped you find your destined work.

Our small miracles occur sometimes through serendipity—we go looking for one thing and find something unexpected and even better. And we can also find miracles in synchronicity, where a connection happens in a timely way that seems coincidental. In both cases,  there can be a feeling of grace—God’s love in action. We feel blessed, gifted, saved, guided, or led in what seems like a miraculous way.

Miracles are happening each day. We have only to pause, look around, and find one. And, we can stay open for the unexpected ones that surprise us and even overwhelm us with divine grace and gratitude.
Love & blessings,