Sunday Letter - Palm Sunday - Week of Wholeness

Sunday, April 2nd, is the first day of Holy Week. It represents the last week in the life of Jesus, complete with its ups and downs. From the high of entering Jerusalem, to the low of casting out the money changers, to the high of the last supper, to the low of betrayal and crucifixion, to the high of resurrection.
Holy Week tends to be an intense week, even for us all these many centuries later. Perhaps, because in the Western world, especially, we are embedded in a Christian culture in which the story and its stages are talked about and dramatized over and over again. We partake of that archetypal story and its energy. And certainly, Spring, with its new birth, speaks to us of ancient stories and rituals signifying the process of endings and beginnings.
This is a good week to feel your feelings and open your heart. Examine your life and see what you need to confront and release; determine what needs to be “crossed out.” Spend more time in prayer and meditation, note any resistance, and allow yourself to surrender to Spirit and the process of transformation.
The good news is that we are supported by nature in our renewal at this time! We are aligned with a greater universal energy that is taking place NOW! So don’t miss it! Take the time and opportunity this week to reflect and deepen your awareness. Enter into this week consciously. Feel this letting go and this renewal happening within you. Breathe life into it!
Winter is over. Spring Festival is upon us! Let us celebrate the wonder of Easter and all that it promises!

Love & blessings!
Rev. Kathy