Sunday Letter - The Magic of Gratitude

This week is the Thanksgiving Service, the Sunday before the holiday, and the lesson is “The Magic of Gratitude.” Meister Eckhart, the medieval Christian mystic, said that if the only prayer we ever say in our lifetime is “Thank You,” that would suffice. Gratitude is an essential spiritual practice that awakens us to the wonders of creation and comforts us in difficult times. In Unity, we often call it “Practicing the Presence of God” - looking for the good or the blessing in all things.
This week is a perfect time to focus on gratitude. At Thanksgiving, we are grateful for the bounties of the earth and can know that, in the words of Rumi, “We are guests on the great, good Earth, and our every breath should be one of gratitude to the Host.”
This Sunday, we will take a few minutes to honor and thank our wonderful volunteers. It will be a group “thank you,” given the limited time during our Service. Unity North is blessed with a great deal of loving support! I am grateful for each person, and for the dedication and loving kindness and service.
This holiday calls us to express our heartfelt gratitude openly and in ways we might not otherwise take the time to do. Speak the words, write the words, express your feelings of thankfulness, and know that as you do, you may be deeply moved by the reaction you receive. And remember, gratitude is a magnet, so its blessings will also return to you multiplied!

Love & blessings,