Sunday Letter - Forward in Faith

I believe that life is a walk of faith, a faith journey, and part of our challenge is to hold on to our faith, even amidst doubt and fear. Unity teaches that faith is an evolving process—and that we can actively engage faith, for it is one of our 12 spiritual powers. Faith increases as we evolve in a spiral from hope, to blind faith, to an understanding faith, developing our faith in greater degrees.
We begin in hope. And, if for some reason something is going on in your life where you cannot activate your faith, then begin with hope, because that is the start. And it is that belief—that trust—that somehow, some way, things are going to get better. Things are going to be okay.
Blind faith is different than hope. It is an instinctive trust in a higher power. We pray to God, “Dear God, help me…” Somehow, we have a level of trust—even if we know nothing about spiritual principle.
Blind faith can work, whether it is for a medical decision, a new job, or trusting another without apparent reason. It is an instinctive trust that everything will work out. It certainly shows up in scripture a great deal. The Bible is a handbook of the evolution of our consciousness as we deepen our faith.
We all have those 11th-hour experiences when it comes to faith. We pray, or affirm, and we are waiting for the answer, for the demonstration, and it comes at the last moment. It gets very nerve wracking. But, it reaffirms our faith when it does come. It feels like an absolute miracle when the check shows up, the job shows up, the healing occurs, or whatever it is happens for us at the last moment.
Hope, blind faith, and finally, understanding faith! Understanding faith is based on immutable principle—the knowledge that God is absolute good, that God’s Will for us is absolute good. That God is not a punishing God, but a God of love. And that God wants the very best for us. And that the desires of our heart are God’s Will and good for us tapping at the door of our consciousness.         
We engage our faith, knowing that the true spiritual desires of our heart will be fulfilled as we affirm and pray and know that they are going to manifest, and we apply the law by our thoughts, our words, and by our actions. We think it, we speak it, and we act as if…then it will be done. That is understanding faith.
When we activate our faith, we are activating immutable principle. Unity Writer, Emilie Cady, said:

There are some things that God has so indissolubly joined together that it is impossible for even him to put asunder. They are bound together by fixed immutable laws…The mental and spiritual realms are governed by laws that are just as real and unfailing as the laws of the natural world. And certain conditions of mind are so connected with certain results that the two are absolutely inseparable. God, the one creative cause of all things, is Spirit, and is the sum total of all good. And there is no good that you can desire in your life which at its center is not God. Affirm the possession of the good that you desire; have faith in it because you are working with Divine law and cannot fail. Do not be argued off your basic principle by anyone, and sooner will the heavens fall than you fail to get that which you desire.  
Trust in that immutable principle—beginning with hope—then, through prayer, ask to know that God can be trusted. Set an intention and affirm that it is already being done. Give thanks for faith and for the highest and best outcome.

Love & blessings,
Rev. Kathy