Sunday Letter - Calling the Twelve

I am delighted to return to church this Sunday after six weeks away recovering from a second hip replacement. This one was double the time and trouble, so I feel grateful to come back just in time for the Fall 7-Week Series called, “Awakening the 12 Powers!” Focusing on some of the powers really helped me in my healing and continues to do so.
I have been teaching about the “powers” since my first ministry in Tempe, Arizona, in the early 1990’s! I have taught them over twelve weeks, which allows one to go deeper. But I have found that it actually works better to teach them over seven weeks doing two at a time, with one introductory week first. It tends to stay more interesting. For more depth and greater understanding, people can attend the classes on Zoom as well.
Like many Unity people I know, I found it difficult to understand and access the twelve powers at first, until I came upon a book that caused a huge breakthrough—Awakening the Heroes Within by Carol S. Pearson. The book has nothing to do with Charles Fillmore’s Twelve Powers of Man, originally written by our Unity co-founder. But her book talks about a heroic journey through twelve Jungian archetypes in order to become more conscious.
Since that time period, I have discovered that Pearson’s archetypes, Fillmore’s powers, and the heroic figures of the Old Testament, are an amazing match. When Truth can be synthesized from several modalities, it heightens and expands one’s understanding.  
So, even if you have studied the Twelve Powers for years, this will be a completely different approach. But you may need to be willing to put your former teachings about them on the back shelf for a bit and allow new information to enter into your thoughts. For one thing, the powers will be in a different order and for some that may be a challenge. But give it a try, take a chance, go with the flow! You can choose what to accept and what to reject after the series is over. You may incorporate aspects of both going forward.
The bottom line is that these powers are within and all around us, and we only need to call them forth, focus on them, and reflect on them, to activate them within. They are always at work, some very active, while others somewhat dormant. But they are always there for us to access as part of our Divine inheritance. It is definitely worth taking this journey of self- discovery!
Love & blessings,