Sunday Letter - BeAttitudes for Spiritual Growth

“Where ever you are in your spiritual journey you are welcome here.”  While this saying might invite people from various faith groups and spiritual paths, it’s also a call to self-refection for each of us. Where are YOU in YOUR spiritual journey? Are you at peace at all times and in all situations? Do you move through life with an uninterrupted sense of Oneness with Creator God? Can you effortlessly manifest whatever you desire? Do you enjoy optimal health? Career success?  Financial wellness?  Fulfilling relationships? Where would you LIKE to be in your spiritual journey?

If you see some room for further personal and spiritual development, join Rev. Laurie Brandt this Sunday as we explore the "BeAttitudes for Spiritual Growth," a perfect topic for Labor Day Sunday.

An avid Unity student since 1986, Rev. Laurie Brandt is a Licensed Unity Teacher and has served Unity Churches in leadership and healer capacities since 1989. She was ordained Minister of Healing in 2000 and has been honored to serve as spiritual leader from 2005 through 2019. Now semi-retired, Rev. Laurie speaks at various Unity churches and offers classes and workshops as Spirit guides her.

Rev. Laurie’s background includes undergraduate studies in business and administration, and over 20 years utilizing those skills in various corporate settings. A mid-life calling shifted her work to facilitating healing of body, mind, and spirit through holistic physical and energetic methods and through teaching spiritual truth.

Her credentials include ordination as Minister of Healing, Certified Healing Touch Practitioner, Licensed Master Aesthetician, Neuromuscular Massage Therapist, and Licensed Unity Teacher. Laurie and her husband Lee live in Savage with Siena the rescue cat.
Love & blessings,