Sunday Letter - Spring Forth!

The Spring Equinox is upon us on Monday, March 20 at 4:24 PM (CDT), and we can look forward to coming out of winter darkness and seeing the light once again! Edward Hays wrote:
“As the sun’s rays strike our planet more directly, the earth responds with newness and freshness. Prehistoric priesthoods set this day apart as sacred, as a feast to celebrate the resurrection of the earth. The sun, radiant and healing, revitalizes the dark and dormant, as days and nights are again of equal length on the day of equinox. May the eternal experience of Spring prepare each of us for a personal rebirth and resurrection. May it be a pledge sign that life rises out of death.”
We release and let go of winter cold and darkness and all that it symbolizes. We give thanks for the gifts it has brought into our lives this season, and we gratefully move into a new beginning. Let us rejoice with all the web of life as the season of Spring begins.

Love & blessings!
Rev. Kathy