Sunday Letter 2/19/2023 Loving Community

Kirsti Lang from “Community Club Weekly” shares some quotes about community:
“Community helped me learn about my identity.”‍
“The community is so much smarter than I am.”
“No one can copy your community.”
“It rewards empathy, vulnerability, and kindness.”
“I owe so much of my growth to community.”
“There’s nothing more powerful than community.”
When one finds a spiritual community, that is all especially true. We all walk our own spiritual paths—some more consciously than others. It is a solo journey and yet, when we find those headed in the same direction, it is an amazing experience. We align ourselves with something greater, with others who can help, support, offer love and strength, kindness and encouragement. It is such a gift to connect with those who will laugh, sing, dance, play, and celebrate with us. It shows us that we are not alone.
This Sunday, I will talk about some of the qualities of a “Loving Community,” and how we can each become more loving participants. It is our Annual Meeting day, so after Service we all have the opportunity to support the work of Unity North Spiritual Center by our attendance either in-person or virtually. Anyone can attend, but only members can vote. We will be updating everyone on our financials, blessing two Board Members whose terms are up, welcoming three new Board Members, and one who is renewing her term. Not everyone is interested in the “business” of the community, but an annual meeting contains more than just business. It is also about gratitude and appreciation. It is loving community in action. I’m looking forward to a Sunday morning that is all about community.

Love & blessings!
Rev. Kathy