Sunday Letter 2/12/2023 Falling into Love

It seems that love is the arena that causes our greatest pain and our greatest joy. And every individual in the deepest part of him or herself longs for wholeness, for union. There is this restless longing, and it is a basic urge that leads us to seek companionship and love.
Some might say it is the basic drive for procreation. But there is an even deeper motivation, because within us is an intuitive sense of our union with God and with one another. We long for a special kind of oneness—for another person in our lives to make us whole. Some of us manage to find that connection with another for a lifetime, and some for just a short period of time. Some do not find it at all. We all seem to have different karma when it comes to love.
Regardless of how our “love life” turns out, we can find a powerful love and fulfillment through our relationship with Spirit. I was always interested in that from a young age, alongside my search for a significant other. And I find that desire for spiritual connection intensifying as I grow older.
I am more aware that “love is all around us.” And within us, too, of course. I especially feel my love for the Divine when I am out in nature, though anything can trigger it—the laughter of a child, the sweetness of an animal, the smile of a friend or even a stranger.
As a matter of fact, that can become a great spiritual practice: “Looking for love everywhere.” This is not just an intellectual exercise but one that must be felt in the heart. Give it a try and discover what can trigger your heart opening. Is it the beauty of the sunshine, an amazing tree,
or is it a conversation with a loved one? Perhaps a memory of something wonderful from the past can reignite a flow of love in the heart.
Treat yourself to a special Valentine’s gift—moments of heart awakening!

Love & blessings!
Rev. Kathy