Special Fund

A message from Rev. Kathy and the Board of Trustees:

I am writing on behalf of our Board of Trustees to let you know the financial status of Unity North Spiritual Center at this time so we can be transparent and proactive. On Sunday, I spoke about the need for us to build a greater collective prosperity consciousness together as a community. We ended 2022 on a good note, but in March of this year, we had just over a $4,000 deficit. We always knew that this could be the year the “rubber would hit the road” in regard to the after effect of Covid. During the pandemic, we had a bequest from a departed member; and each year, during the worst of Covid, we were able to receive a PPP Loan from the government that we did not have to pay back. We are no longer receiving those extra funds to bolster us.
Unfortunately, in the first quarter of this year, our income decreased as our expenses increased. The greatest expense has been our snowplowing. The cost was $5,000 for a five-month winter season, which is typical (even with a new company doing a better job). But this year, there was an extreme excess of snow, and that created an extra $2,200 expense, bringing the snowplow bill to a total of $7,200.  
Our March expenses were also high due to multiple annual payments all hitting at once (for our website and insurance). Last year, we were able to have a first quarter auction fundraiser, but this year, it was not possible to do that. The total difference in net revenue from March 2022 to March 2023 is a decrease of $8,282.34. Because we finally had to tap our savings account for the first time for $5,000, it is important that you all have this awareness, and that we take immediate action to reverse a downward trend.
We have decided that we will start a Special Fund in which to raise $10,000 (beyond regular giving) by August 31. This will pay for our $7,200 snowplow bill and put a $2,800 cushion in our checking account.
Here are several ways you can help:

  1. Simply give (above and beyond your regular giving for it to count toward the extra $10,000). If you send your gift in the form of a check, please note “Special Fund” on the memo line so it is allocated properly. To submit your gift online, click here
  2. Adopt a snowplow bill for the excess snow. The extra amount is $2,200 for 3 months (May/June/July). You can pay for one month ($734), two months (1,468), or all 3 months ($2,200). 
  3. Adopt the regular seasonal snowplow bill. The regular snowplow bill is $5,000. You can pay a percentage or portion, or you can adopt the entire bill. 
  4. One Summer fun(d)raiser will help our Special Fund. All other fundraisers are part of our regular budget and won’t be counted as part of the $10,000. (More information to follow).

Note: Please remember that all gifts contributed to the Special Fund must be above and beyond normal giving for them to count as part of the $10,000 by the end of summer. We trust in the consciousness of this community to unite in releasing lack and increasing financial prosperity. Let us know together: Unity North Spiritual Center is prosperous, and we now attract all that is needed for our continuing abundance!
Abundant blessings,
Rev. Kathy & Board of Trustees