
Butterfly image
Sunday, October 22, 2023
This is Week 4 of our 7-week series, “Awakening the Twelve Powers.” Our lesson theme includes two of our powers: Order and Release (Elimination). These are illustrated by the archetypes of The Seeker and The Destroyer.…
Plant image
Sunday, October 15, 2023
This is the third week in our Sunday Series called Awakening the Twelve Powers. This week, we are exploring the power of Strength as depicted by the archetype of the Warrior, and the power of Life as depicted by the…
Mountain image
Sunday, October 8, 2023
Can you think about a time in your life when you were an Innocent? As children, we start out in Innocence, initially trusting those caring for us. No matter how difficult our childhood is, most of us can remember a time of…
Twelve Powers image
Sunday, October 1, 2023
I am delighted to return to church this Sunday after six weeks away recovering from a second hip replacement. This one was double the time and trouble, so I feel grateful to come back just in time for the Fall 7-Week Series…
Sunshine clouds
Sunday, September 17, 2023
In the Old Testament there is a brief, rather obscure mention of someone named Jabez who realized extraordinary blessings as the result of a prayer. A mere sentence, just 26 words, changed his life and that of thousands who…
Woman sunshine
Sunday, September 3, 2023
“Where ever you are in your spiritual journey you are welcome here.”  While this saying might invite people from various faith groups and spiritual paths, it’s also a call to self-refection for each of us. Where are YOU in…
Stonehedge image
Sunday, August 20, 2023
Why was there such concern around the world during the 2019 Australian fires when millions of creatures were dying in the blaze? Why did the MeToo movement take off so quickly with hundreds of thousands of women coming…
Hand light image
Sunday, August 6, 2023
I googled images of “family,” and was amazed that the entire first page was of the traditional family: a man, a woman, and several children, give or take a few. To find what I was looking for—many examples of family—I had to…
Space image
Sunday, July 30, 2023
I realized that the title this week, “Loving Acts of Kindness,” sounds like the lesson is about Buddhist “loving kindness.” It is actually more about general kindness, with a lot of story examples. Kindness is basic to every…
Fairy image
Sunday, July 23, 2023
How can one be ready for a miracle? First, by recognizing that miracles take place every single day. Life is a miracle, as are all of the wonders of creation. As we pull ourselves out of the consensus trance that we may find…