Sunday Service - Divine Nudge/Dream to Manifestation

This Sunday, we are having a Guest Speaker, Rev. Barbara Winter Martin. She is the former minister of Unity of Central Minnesota in Sartell, and after some years away, she now speaks there twice a month. (The church has since relocated to St. Cloud). For a period of six months, in between, she served as the Interim Minister at Unity North Spiritual Center, about a year before my arrival when the ministry was in transition. So, those at Unity North are always happy to see her again!

I meet with Rev. Barbara and the other Minnesota ministers from Unity for a monthly lunch and time of sharing in the Minneapolis area. It is a supportive group that I am very glad to be part of.

Rev. Barbara’s title this week is “Divine Nudge/Dream to Manifestation.” She will explore what happens in the gap between welcoming a Divine Idea/Inspiration and bringing it into full manifestation. “Chemicalization” (common in our consciousness), along with the concept that “what we think is our problem is never the problem,” will also be discussed.

Come this Sunday and enjoy your time with Rev. Barbara and our loving Unity Community!

Blessings of love and peace,
Rev. Kathy