Sunday Letter 11/13/2022

This Sunday’s lesson is #7, our final lesson in our 7-week Fall program based on Deepak Chopra’s book, The Essential How to Know God. The title this week is “The Way of Oneness,” and the stage is “God of Pure Being—I AM.” We are One and when we become centered, we can see God’s all-ness is revealed in every person, in every living being, and we know what guidance to follow. Join us to learn more at our 10:30 AM (CST) Service.
Chief Seattle said, “Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves, all things are bound together, all things connect.”
We are all One, and that invites the question, “What can I do to help the planet?”  Bette Reese once said, “If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito.” We have all known those nights…
But in times like these, sometimes we do wonder how we can be effective—how we can help, how we can make a difference. We know that our planetary community is faced with an onslaught of environmental problems—overpopulation, acid rain, and toxic waste to name a few, with the most critical—unchecked global warming.
For 65 million years, there has not been this kind of destruction—not since the dinosaurs—and that was most likely a meteor, not Western civilization technology. We are losing countless species every year. Speaking of climate change, Mark Twain once said that the only reason he wanted to go to Heaven was because of the climate since most of his friends would be in the other place!
Technology has been such a gift, but also it has created a huge dark shadow, showing up as both greed and incredible isolation in our society. The violent acts we have seen and continue to see in our world are reflective of the collective shadow in the great matrix of thought—the field of unlimited possibilities.
And yet, even with all of the chaos appearing in the world, there is a daily resurrection going on through all of the countless acts of compassion, through all of the individuals and groups who are making a difference. That is where our focus needs to be.
I heard Jay Leno once say, “I have come up with the ultimate solution to the earth's environmental concerns. Let's gather up all of the landfill wastes, industrial wastes, nuclear wastes, hazardous wastes, and biomedical wastes and deposit them in some small savings and loan. Then, suddenly they will disappear.”
Humor is a saving grace for us all. And so also is remembering our Oneness and the God of Stage 7 in Deepak’s book, the God of Pure Being—I AM. We discover a reality beyond the one in which we live each day, and we are lifted above the petty concerns to the Truth of our Being. It reminds me of that wonderful Unity article by Emmet Fox called “The Golden Key.” He said, “No matter what our problem is, the greatest remedy we have is to think of God."